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阅读次数: 添加时间:2018/12/05 发布:管理员


2016年至今    南京工业大学,先进化学制造研究院,教授
2011-2015  沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学先进膜与多孔材料中心,博士后 
2009-2010  比利时新鲁汶大学,博士后 
2003-2009  中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,博士 
1999-2003  青岛大学,学士 




在高分子自组装方面开展了一系列深入的探索与研究工作,以第一作者在Nature Communications, Angew Chem Int Ed, Scientific reports, Macromolecules等国际期刊上发表SCI论文近20篇。 


1.Yu, H. Z.*, Qiu, X. Y.*, Nunes, S. P., Peinemann, K. V. Self-Assembled Asymmetric Block Copolymer Membranes: Bridging the Gap from Ultra- to Nanofiltration. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2015, 54, 13937-13941. (Hot paper, highlighted by Nature Middle East). (*Equal contribution) 
2.Yu, H. Z.*, Qiu, X. Y.*, Pradeep, N., Nunes, S. P., Peinemann, K. V. Fabrication of biomimetic filamentous ZIF-8 nanotubes from self-assembled block copolymer micelles. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5, 15275; doi: 10.1038/srep15275. (*Equal contribution)  
3.Yu, H. Z. *, Qiu, X. Y. *, Nunes, S. P., Peinemann, K. V. Biomimetic block copolymer particles with gated nanopores and ultrahigh protein sorption capacity. Nature Communications. 2014, 5:4110 doi: 10.1038/ncomms5110. (*Equal contribution)  
4.Yu, H. Z.*, Qiu, X. Y.*, Nunes, S. P., Peinemann, K. V. Self-assembled isoporous block copolymer membranes with tuned pore sizes. Angewandte Chemie International. Edition. 2014, 53, 1-6. (*Equal contribution)  
5.Yu, H. Z*., Qiu, X. Y., Nunes, S. P., Peinemann, K. V. Dry cast induced block copolymer membrane with ordered nanopores. 2015. Advanced Materials (under review).   
6.Qiu, X. Y., Yu, H. Z*., Karunakaran, M., Pradeep, N., Nunes, S. P., Peinemann, K. V. Selective separation of similarly sized proteins with tunable nanoporous block copolymer membranes. ACS Nano . 2013,7, 768-776. (highlighted by Nature Middle East)  
7.Karunakaran, M., Nunes, S. P., Qiu, X. Y., Yu, H. Z*., Peinemann, K.-V. Isoporous PS-b- PEO ultrafiltration membranes via self-assembly and water-induced phase separation. Journal of membrane science. 2014, 453, 471-477.  
8.Han, Y. Y., Yu, H. Z*., Du, H. B. and Jiang, W. Effect of selective solvent addition rate on the pathways for spontaneous vesicle formation of ABA amphiphilic triblock copolymers. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Soc. 2010, 132, 1144-1150.   
9.Yu, H. Z*., Stoffelbach, F., Detrembleur, C., Fustin, C-A., Gohy, J. F. Nanoporous thin films from ionically connected diblock copolymers. European Polymer Journal. 2012, 48, 940-944.  
10.Yu, H. Z*. and Jiang, W. Tuning of multicompartment micelles from cross-linkable ABC triblock copolymer with the addition of core-forming homopolymer. e-polymers. 2010, No 056.  
11.Zhu, Y. T., Yu, H. Z*., Wang, Y. M., Cui, J., Kong, W. X., Jiang, W. Multicompartment micellar aggreagates of linear ABC amphiphiles in solvents selective for the C block: a Monte Carlo simulation. Soft Matter . 2012, 8, 4695-4707.


于海洲 教授



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